Useful Security Links

Here are some useful security links compiled by ECMECC and our technology group. Feel free to share these with anyone to help them stay safe online.
Terms of Service Didn’t Read: Resource that outlines the terms of service of various websites and applications. Highlights things that may be concerning in TOS agreements.
Common Sense Privacy Program: Resources to show privacy rankings of apps and sites on a scale with categories of Pass, Warning, or Fail.
IdentityTheft.Gov: Resources surrounding Identity Theft. Includes recovery plans if you find yourself a victim and reporting features.
FTC – Bulk Order site: Resources you can order or download for topics such as Scams, Online Safety & Security, Identity Theft, and many others. Resources are formatted as bookmarks, toolkits, lesson plans, fliers, and many other options. Here is an example of a page from one of their booklet resources:
FTC – OnGuard Online: Resources for staying safe online. Includes videos, tools for parents, tools for Educators broken out by age/grade, and many other useful bits of information
Stay Safe Online: Powered by the National Cyber Security Alliance, Stay Safe Online provides infographics and special focuses like Data Privacy Day and National Cyber Security Awareness Month (every October)
STOP. THINK. CONNECT. : Was created to help digital citizens become security-aware by practicing safe computing at work and at home. They focus on topics including owning your online presence and keeping a clean machine
#BeCyberSmart: Department of Homeland Security site that includes quick lessons, facts, common scams, and other useful security information.
No More Ransom: Ransomware resources including tips on what to do if you are infected, prevention tips, ransomware Q and A.
Have I Been Pwned: Resource to check and see if your email address had been in a breach. If you find your email it is HIGHLY recommended to change passwords for the site breached and any other site that you’ve used that same password on ASAP.
The Ultimate Guide to Cyber Security & Data Protection For Consumers: Resources and statistics around identity theft and security. Tips and advice from information sharing, device security to monitoring and recovering from credit issues.
Cybersecurity in Education: What Teachers, Parents and Students Should Know: Resources geared towards teachers, students and parents around how to stay safe online.