Network & Information Security
Members and Associate Members are invited to monthly technology coordinator meetings for knowledge sharing, updates on ECMECC activities, professional development, and planning of future projects. All meetings are held at Braham Area High School (map) unless otherwise noted.
Network and Information Security services include: A fiber-based wide area network, shared data center, network security assessments, and much more. ECMECC hosts and manages a shared, centralized data center that hosts network services for member districts. Services include off-site data backup, a shared firewall, and a virtual server farm. We also include a focus on information security, offer network vulnerability assessments and risk assessments for our member districts.
For more information on any of these services please contact:
Nicole Pruden, Network & Security Administrator
Risk Assessment Services
Our approach focuses on understanding your risks and deploying mitigation strategies that limit your district's risk exposure and position you to navigate any incidents that might occur.