Call for Presenters
This Conference would not be possible if it weren't for passionate educators from our area. That is why WE NEED YOU to be a presenter at the Lake ECMECC Conference.
We would be honored if you considered sharing your expertise with fellow educators at the 12th Annual Lake ECMECC Conference which will take place on August 5, 2025 at Mora High School.
This year we are planning for all presenters to be In-Person. Attendees will have a virtual option if they prefer. As always we are looking for sessions to be offered on a wide variety of topics: iPads, Chromebooks, Google Apps/Tools, Digital Resources/Activities, Social/Emotional Wellbeing, Remote Learning, College/Career Readiness, Relicensure topics, and grade level or content area specific topics.
Additionally, each year we receive many requests for more sessions for Early Education, Primary Grades, and Special Education topics.
A call for presenters will go out in March. Please give your consideration to presenting this year. I look forward to seeing your session proposals.